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Cherry on Top

Sweetspot/Tempo 30-60 min and go
Duration: 0:53:30
  • AVG: 67 %FTP
  • MIN: 45 %FTP
  • MAX: 95 %FTP
Sharing level: Public workout

Description of workout

Boost your performance with a workout that combines Tempo and Sweet Spot intensity intervals. With intervals at 80% and 90% FTP, you'll strengthen your endurance and pacing skills to excel on climbs and at the front of the peloton. A short cherry on the top at the end of the intervals complements this.

TIP: Workouts are the ideal way to maximise the impact of your training time. However, it's essential to warm up before a workout. If the warmup provided needs to be longer, please precede it with a warmup that suits your needs.

A warm-up raises the temperature of your muscles, making them more pliable and efficient. This allows them to contract and relax more easily, reducing the risk of injury.

Workout instructions

Time from start Show time Text
0:00:10 0:00:08 Welcome to the last workout in this plan called Cherry on Top.
0:01:00 0:00:08 This workout is a combination of tempo and sweet spot intensity levels.
0:03:00 0:00:08 Let's warm up the legs first in a few steps.
0:04:00 0:00:08 Now you are riding at the highest intensity of your warm-up.
0:05:00 0:00:12 Your warmup, even if short, increases muscle temperature and improves muscle blood flow, preparing the cardio systems and range of motion.
0:07:00 0:00:08 You will ride a total of six intervals divided into two parts.
0:07:30 0:00:07 The first part consists of three intervals
0:08:00 0:00:08 Each has the same structure but different intensity levels and lengths.
0:09:00 0:00:08 The first interval will start at 80% for three minutes, followed by a thirty-second sprint.
0:10:00 0:00:09 Keep your cadence around 90-100rpm and get ready to go!
0:12:30 0:00:08 Keep going, you're almost done with the first part of this interval!
0:13:30 0:00:05 SPRINT!
0:14:30 0:00:07 Take regular, deep breaths during the intervals.
0:15:30 0:00:08 The next interval will be one minute shorter, but be prepared for more intensity!
0:15:55 0:00:06 Let's get started!
0:17:30 0:00:07 Push hard until the end of the interval!
0:18:30 0:00:07 Well done!
0:19:00 0:00:09 Riding at 80% and 90% FTP will build your endurance and pace to excel on climbs and at the front of the peloton.
0:20:00 0:00:08 You have the last interval of the first part ahead of you.
0:20:20 0:00:08 This one will be the same as the first...give it your all!
0:22:30 0:00:07 Just keep up this pace for one more minute!
0:23:30 0:00:06 and now SPRINT!
0:24:10 0:00:06 Great job!
0:25:00 0:00:08 Now you have five minutes to catch your breath before the second part.
0:25:30 0:00:08 These five minutes are not a regular recovery period as the resistance is set at 65%.
0:26:00 0:00:08 Do not forget to drink enough! Dehydration can reduce performance.
0:27:00 0:00:08 When the second part comes, pay attention to your form.
0:28:00 0:00:08 Try to maintain a relaxed but stable upper body, engage the core, and pedal with a smooth and fluid motion.
0:29:00 0:00:08 When riding at high intensity, it's important to have the right posture to avoid injury.
0:31:10 0:00:08 The second part will start in a few seconds, stay focused.
0:31:20 0:00:09 Do not worry about not managing the next part as it will be exactly the same as the first part.
0:34:25 0:00:07 Go for the next sprint! Smash it!
0:35:00 0:00:05 Amazing!
0:36:50 0:00:07 This will be a high intensity interval.
0:39:00 0:00:05 GO!
0:43:00 0:00:07 Keep your body stable and pedalling smooth.
0:44:30 0:00:06 Go ALL OUT!
0:47:00 0:00:08 That's all the intensity needed today. You did great!
0:48:00 0:00:08 Now maintain a cadence that is comfortable for you. Only the cool down is left.
0:49:00 0:00:08 The cool-down period is very important as it is part of your recovery.
0:50:00 0:00:07 The longer the cool down, the better the recovery.
0:53:00 0:00:08 Hope you enjoyed this training plan!


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