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Workout 2 | Lidl-Trek

Duration: 1:19:00
  • AVG: 69 %FTP
  • MIN: 40 %FTP
  • MAX: 150 %FTP
Sharing level: Public workout

Description of workout

This session is not a test, it is just another training session. It includes intervals at different intensity levels, all focused on proper pedalling technique, and includes one-legged drills. In the second set of intervals you will work with changing cadence.

Workout instructions

Time from start Show time Text
0:00:10 0:00:07 Welcome to today's workout in this plan called Workout 2.
0:00:30 0:00:08 This is your third time doing this workout, so you should know what to expect.
0:01:30 0:00:09 It includes intervals at various intensity levels all focused on proper pedal strokes and incorporates 1-legged drills.
0:02:00 0:00:06 Let's start with the warm-up first.
0:02:20 0:00:07 The warm-up consists of four one-legged drills.
0:02:40 0:00:07 Ride at a comfortable cadence throughout the warm-up.
0:03:00 0:00:08 Focus on maintaining proper posture and ensure that you are sitting correctly on the bike.
0:03:20 0:00:07 Avoid gripping the handlebars too tightly.
0:03:40 0:00:09 For optimal performance, let your hands rest lightly on the handlebars and use your core to provide stability.
0:04:00 0:00:07 Let's start by pedalling with your right leg!
0:05:00 0:00:05 Now use both legs.
0:07:00 0:00:05 It's left leg time!
0:08:00 0:00:07 For the next two minutes pedal with both legs.
0:10:00 0:00:06 Once again it's time for the right leg!
0:13:00 0:00:05 Last time...left leg!
0:16:00 0:00:08 Now you have nine minutes before the first full cadence interval.
0:17:00 0:00:08 You will have four equal intervals in the first part of the training.
0:18:00 0:00:07 Each interval starts with a one minute sprint.
0:19:00 0:00:08 You should remain seated and maintain a stable, non-rocking position on the bike.
0:20:00 0:00:08 Your goal is to pedal at the highest possible cadence and give it your all.
0:21:00 0:00:10 Your primary focus should be on your legs, and you should be firmly seated on the bike, minimising any lateral movement.
0:22:00 0:00:08 After the sprint, the resistance drops slightly followed by a further decrease in resistance.
0:24:00 0:00:08 You should be warmed up already, so we can move on to the intervals.
0:25:00 0:00:05 SPRINT!
0:27:00 0:00:07 Now you can ride at a cadence that is comfortable for you.
0:28:00 0:00:06 This part may hurt, but it should be sustainable.
0:30:30 0:00:05 Well done!
0:31:00 0:00:07 Do not forget to drink enough! Dehydration can reduce performance.
0:32:50 0:00:05 It's time to sprint!
0:34:10 0:00:06 The sprint part is done.
0:35:00 0:00:07 Ride at a sustainable pace until the interval is complete.
0:39:00 0:00:06 Second interval down, two to go!
0:40:00 0:00:09 When riding at high intensity, it's important to have the right posture to avoid injury.
0:40:50 0:00:07 Go for the next sprint! Smash it!
0:43:00 0:00:06 You're doing great!
0:45:30 0:00:06 Hold on for a few more seconds!
0:46:10 0:00:05 Amazing job!
0:47:00 0:00:06 Last interval ahead!
0:48:55 0:00:06 Go ALL OUT!
0:52:00 0:00:06 Keep pedalling until the last second!
0:54:10 0:00:05 Well done!
0:54:30 0:00:07 You have just completed the first part of the training.
0:55:00 0:00:08 The second part is also a sprint, but has a different structure.
0:55:30 0:00:08 Each sprint lasts one minute, with two minutes of rest in between.
0:56:00 0:00:09 For these sprints, you won't be pedalling at a very high cadence. Keep your cadence between 70 and 100 rpm.
0:57:00 0:00:07 Now, just keep pedalling easy.
0:58:55 0:00:07 Are you ready? Let's get started!
1:00:10 0:00:06 The first one is done!
1:02:30 0:00:05 Push harder!
1:03:10 0:00:05 Great job!
1:05:10 0:00:06 Push! Push! Push!
1:06:30 0:00:08 Remember to drink enough between hard stretches!
1:07:00 0:00:05 Halfway there!
1:10:55 0:00:05 5...4...3...2...1...
1:13:00 0:00:06 Last interval ahead!
1:15:10 0:00:07 There you go! You did it!
1:16:00 0:00:08 Now all you have left is the cooldown period to gradually lower your heart rate.
1:18:00 0:00:08 Hope you enjoyed this workout and see you in week four!


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