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Build up strength

Get in shape by SNDC Strength
Duration: 1:13:00
  • AVG: 71 %FTP
  • MIN: 55 %FTP
  • MAX: 88 %FTP
Sharing level: Public workout

Description of workout

The focus of this session is on your durability. Power delivery around your threshold improves your stamina. Therefore, keep your cadence in this session in a comfortable range. Keeping the cadence slightly lower if you want to ride this workout more strength-based.

Workout instructions

Time from start Show time Text
0:00:10 0:00:08 Welcome to the seventh workout of this plan called Build up strength.
0:01:00 0:00:08 As the name suggests, the aim of this workout is to improve strength.
0:02:00 0:00:07 But first let's warm up your body!
0:03:00 0:00:09 Today's warm up is ten minutes long and has two increases of intensity to help you warm up even more.
0:04:00 0:00:08 The focus of this session is on your durability as it is one of the hardest workouts.
0:05:00 0:00:07 Power delivery around your threshold improves your endurance.
0:06:00 0:00:07 Today's workout consists of ten identical intervals.
0:08:00 0:00:10 You can choose your cadence at each interval...
0:08:10 0:00:10 ...if you pedal at a lower cadence, the resistance is harder and you will mainly be improving your strengh...
0:08:20 0:00:08 ...the resistance will feel lighter at a higher cadence and you will improve your VO2 max.
0:09:00 0:00:07 You should be warmed up enough by now.
0:09:50 0:00:06 Let's start the first interval!
0:11:00 0:00:06 You are doing great!
0:12:00 0:00:07 Set a cadence that works best for you.
0:14:00 0:00:09 If you want to improve your strength, you can reduce your pedalling frequency to as low as 70 rpm.
0:14:40 0:00:08 Hopefully you've already caught your breath, because the next interval is here!
0:16:30 0:00:06 Push! Push! Push!
0:18:30 0:00:07 Even if you are out of breath, do not forget to drink.
0:19:00 0:00:08 The best choice for this type of training is an ionic drink with plenty of minerals.
0:22:00 0:00:06 Last minute, come on!
0:23:30 0:00:07 All of the intervals are set at 88% of your current FTP.
0:24:00 0:00:14 FTP stands for Functional Threshold Power, which is defined as the highest average power you can sustain for approximately one hour, measured in watts.
0:26:00 0:00:06 You ride like a pro!
0:28:30 0:00:08 Hope you still have some energy left as you have six more intervals to go.
0:29:00 0:00:09 For now, just keep pedalling at a leisurely pace and catch your breath before the next high intensity.
0:31:00 0:00:05 Push harder!
0:34:00 0:00:07 Well done, another interval over!
0:34:30 0:00:07 You are now halfway through this workout.
0:39:00 0:00:10 To make these intervals as functional as possible, focus on breathing correctly.
0:39:10 0:00:10 You should take a deep breaths to your diaphragm.
0:39:20 0:00:10 With proper breathing, your heart rate will drop more quickly and you will be able to rest better before the intervals.
0:41:00 0:00:07 You are doing great, keep it up!
0:44:00 0:00:10 Your legs could be on fire by now...
0:44:10 0:00:07 ...but have in mind that pain is only temporary!
0:45:00 0:00:06 Focus on breathing correctly!
0:47:00 0:00:06 Remember to drink regularly!
0:49:00 0:00:08 It gets more and more difficult with each interval, but you can do it!
0:50:30 0:00:06 Don't go easy on yourself!
0:53:00 0:00:06 You're doing great!
0:54:00 0:00:08 You still have a few intervals to go, so stay focused!
0:55:30 0:00:06 Push harder!
0:56:30 0:00:10 This is the last interval at 88%...
0:56:40 0:00:06 ...give it your all!
0:59:00 0:00:08 Let your heart rate drop a little and get ready for the final interval!
0:59:30 0:00:12 The last interval is different from the others, you start at 90% and then the resistance is reduced in a few steps until you reach the cool down.
1:02:00 0:00:05 Keep going, keep going!
1:04:00 0:00:08 The intensity isn't over yet, but it's only going to decrease from now on.
1:07:00 0:00:07 Congratulations, you have made it!
1:08:00 0:00:08 To help your body cool down after such intensity, pedal easily for the next few minutes.
1:09:00 0:00:08 A long cool-down followed by stretching is the best way to aid recovery.
1:12:00 0:00:08 See you at the next training session!


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