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MTB - HIIT Workout

Duration: 1:11:00
  • AVG: 72 %FTP
  • MIN: 50 %FTP
  • MAX: 125 %FTP
Sharing level: Public workout

Description of workout

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is on the agenda today. With this training, we work on tolerating the by-products of anaerobic work, such as lactate. We'll continue with the respiratory system, so I'll focus on breathing because you're definitely out of breath during this workout.
Key points
Breathing well
Usual cadence

Warm-up (20 min)
Easy three steps to 70% of FTP (cadence 100 rpm)

Main part - HIIT sessions
Six VO2 max intervals for better oxygen uptake. During the intervals, stay in the saddle at 100 rpm, and after that, in the recovery period, pedal easily and breathe well.

Cool down (18 min)
Easy ride at 90 - 100 rpm for better recovery.

Author: Mgr. Jakub Kadlec

Workout instructions

Time from start Show time Text
0:00:10 0:00:07 Welcome to the third workout of this plan called HIIT.
0:01:00 0:00:09 To warm up, start with an easy ride in three stages up to 70% of FTP (cadence 100rpm).
0:02:00 0:00:10 We already had a HIIT workout in our previous plan, so you may be familiar with the structure of this workout.
0:02:30 0:00:09 But if you are not familiar with this type of training, you'll learn more about it right now!
0:03:00 0:00:06 "HIIT" stands for High Intensity Interval Training.
0:04:00 0:00:09 With this training, we work on tolerating the by-products of anaerobic work, such as lactate.
0:04:50 0:00:07 This workout is also great for strengthening your respiratory system.
0:05:40 0:00:10 So try to focus on your breathing, because you're definitely going to be breathing hard!
0:07:00 0:00:06 The main parts consist of six VO2 max intervals.
0:08:00 0:00:09 These intervals are designed to help you achieve a better uptake of oxygen into your bloodstream.
0:09:00 0:00:07 There will be a total of twelve intervals, with two main sections.
0:10:00 0:00:05 You are halfway through your warm-up.
0:12:00 0:00:07 At this point, you should be able to feel your muscles starting to warm up.
0:14:00 0:00:06 It is really important to breathe well. Try to focus on that all the time.
0:15:00 0:00:06 Do not forget: Stay hydrated!
0:17:00 0:00:06 The last three minutes before you go all out!
0:18:00 0:00:06 Between these intervals, you'll have a break.
0:18:30 0:00:05 This break only lasts one minute...
0:18:35 0:00:07 ...So try to make the most of it and recover a bit.
0:20:00 0:00:05 First interval is here, let's go!
0:20:30 0:00:05 Keep pushing!
0:21:30 0:00:06 First one down, five to go.
0:21:55 0:00:05 5...4..3...2...1...
0:22:10 0:00:10 GO!GO!GO!
0:23:10 0:00:07 Four more to go!
0:23:17 0:00:05 Yes, you can do it!
0:23:50 0:00:07 Get ready for the next one in just 10 seconds!
0:24:50 0:00:06 10 seconds to go! Come on, come on!
0:25:30 0:00:07 You are halfway there, stay motivated!
0:25:55 0:00:05 Let's go to the next stretch!
0:27:20 0:00:05 Great job, last two to go.
0:27:40 0:00:05 Remember to drink!
0:29:30 0:00:08 Are you ready for the final sprint in the first section?
0:30:30 0:00:07 Final push! Empty the tank and give it your all.
0:32:00 0:00:05 You were amazing!
0:32:10 0:00:08 You now have seven minutes to recover and catch your breath.
0:34:00 0:00:06 Ride comfortably, cadence 90-100.
0:37:00 0:00:08 The second part of the intervals is here, so are you ready to get started?
0:38:00 0:00:07 Don't forget to breathe properly. Even when things get tough.
0:38:50 0:00:06 The first one is coming, get ready!
0:40:10 0:00:05 First one finished.
0:40:55 0:00:05 5...4...3...2...1...
0:42:10 0:00:05 It could hurt a bit!
0:42:30 0:00:06 There are still 4 rounds to go.
0:44:30 0:00:06 Amazing! You are halfway there.
0:45:00 0:00:06 Sprint! Sprint! Sprint!
0:46:30 0:00:06 30 seconds until the next sprint.
0:47:40 0:00:05 Keep pushing!
0:48:40 0:00:05 Prepare for the last one.
0:49:40 0:00:05 Last 20 seconds!
0:49:50 0:00:05 Go all out!
0:51:00 0:00:07 You should be proud of yourself, you did a great job.
0:52:00 0:00:08 The twenty minute cool down is right in front of you, don't skip it.
1:00:00 0:00:08 Just pedal at your usual cadence. It will help to reduce muscle tension afterwards.
1:10:00 0:00:07 See you next time for a training session called Sprint Workout.


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