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Threshold | Build Your FTP

Duration: 1:25:45
  • AVG: 76 %FTP
  • MIN: 50 %FTP
  • MAX: 110 %FTP
Sharing level: Public workout

Description of workout

In this highly intense Threshold Workout, you will need to be well-rested beforehand. With this session, you can improve your FTP which will allow you to ride at a higher intensity for longer periods in a race and also help you with your hill climbing intensity.

Make sure that your FTP number is correct before starting any workout.

You’ll begin with a 10-minute warmup followed by 3 short pyramids to prepare you for the five longer intervals with recoveries between. The intensity of the hard parts is around 100% of your FTP.

Stay hydrated throughout by drinking fluids with electrolytes to replenish minerals and salts lost. A fan directed at you will aid cooling.

Try and do this workout once a week.

The recovery cool-down block is important for your recovery.

Enjoy the workout and the fitness gains that will follow.

Workout instructions

Time from start Show time Text
0:00:10 0:00:08 Welcome to the ninth workout called Threshold.
0:00:20 0:00:07 You need to be well rested for this workout session.
0:00:30 0:00:15 In today's session you can improve your FTP which will allow you to ride at a higher intensity for longer in a race or training..
0:01:00 0:00:07 You have ridden the same workout in this plan before.
0:01:30 0:00:08 So you can compare today's training with the previous one and see some improvements.
0:02:00 0:00:10 First we will do a 10 minute warmup followed by 3 short pyramids to prepare you for what's to come!
0:04:00 0:00:08 Each pyramid will increase in intensity and then reduce back down slowly.
0:06:00 0:00:08 This will help your body to warm up before the main part.
0:08:00 0:00:07 Your warmup is important part of every training.
0:09:00 0:00:07 Are you ready for the first short pyramid?
0:09:30 0:00:05 Let's hit it!
0:10:00 0:00:07 Keep your cadence between 90-100rpm.
0:10:50 0:00:15 We will do this twice more with two more pyramids. These short and sharp sections will help your body get used to the intensity that will follow.
0:11:15 0:00:10 Prepare to feel the resistance increasing gardually but keep your cadence high, between 90-100rpm.
0:11:35 0:00:08 You will start feeling the first increase in intensity. You can do this!
0:12:00 0:00:10 Keep your body stable and engage your core muscles. This will help you when the intensity gets tougher.
0:12:30 0:00:10 You will feel the resistance getting harder yet again. Remember to stay hydrated throughout.
0:13:00 0:00:10 You are almost at the top of the last pyramid at 110% FTP. Keep going!
0:13:11 0:00:12 Great! Now we work our way gradually down again. Still keep your cadence high, between 90-100rpm.
0:13:40 0:00:05 You are doing well!
0:13:50 0:00:10 Now, we will have a 2 minute recovery before the first 8 minute threshold block begins.
0:14:10 0:00:07 Spin the legs at 90-100rpm while you recover.
0:15:00 0:00:08 Ahead are five threshold blocks waiting to be conquered!
0:15:30 0:00:07 Get ready, your first block is on the way!
0:17:00 0:00:07 Engage your core and pedal in full circles.
0:19:45 0:00:06 You are halfway there!
0:22:00 0:00:05 Push harder!
0:24:00 0:00:07 Great job, now you have time for some recovery.
0:25:30 0:00:08 You have 4 minutes to relax a bit, recover and allow your heart rate to drop.
0:27:00 0:00:05 Stay hydrated!
0:27:30 0:00:08 Ready for the second 8 min block?
0:28:00 0:00:08 Let's do it! Keep your cadence high.
0:29:00 0:00:10 Keep your breathing steady and breathe both through your nose and mouth.
0:31:00 0:00:12 Remember to drink! An electrolyte drink will replenish lost salts and minerals due to fluid loss.
0:34:45 0:00:05 Last minute ahead.
0:36:00 0:00:15 Your next recovery of 4 minutes will allow you to drop your heart rate and get you ready for your third 8 min block.
0:39:30 0:00:12 In your third threshold block don't forget to drink, engage the core stomach muscles and pedal smoothly.
0:42:00 0:00:08 Engage the core stomach muscles and pedal smoothly.
0:45:00 0:00:05 Keep going!
0:48:00 0:00:10 Your next 4 minute recovery will be welcomed for sure!
0:48:30 0:00:07 Drink a bit before the next 8 min section.
0:49:00 0:00:10 Recover a bit and allow your heart rate to drop a bit, slow your breathing.
0:50:00 0:00:08 You are doing great, only 2 more blocks to go!
0:51:30 0:00:15 You may be feeling a bit tired but that is when you need to focus and keep a good technique: smooth pedalling and a stable upper body, shoulders relaxed, elbows slightly bent.
0:51:40 0:00:07 Smooth pedalling and a stable upper body.
0:52:00 0:00:07 Shoulders should be relaxed, elbows slightly bent.
0:53:00 0:00:09 Let's start the second last 8 minute block. Go for it! You are making great gains in fitness!
0:56:00 0:00:07 You are making progress every second- keep it up!
1:00:00 0:00:07 Time to recover. Four minutes of bliss!
1:01:00 0:00:06 Relax and focus on steady breathing.
1:02:00 0:00:07 Keep your cadence high as the resistance drops.
1:03:00 0:00:10 Your final block of pain is coming up! As hard as it feels, you have come this far, there is no giving up.
1:03:55 0:00:05 Let's hit it! The final block.
1:05:00 0:00:05 Let's GO!
1:06:30 0:00:05 Keep it up! Keep going!
1:09:00 0:00:05 You've got this!
1:12:00 0:00:06 Great job! Well done!
1:14:00 0:00:08 Now you can enjoy a cooldown which is just as important as the hard sections.
1:17:00 0:00:09 Your cool down will flush out the lactic acid and improve your ability to recover.
1:20:00 0:00:06 Enjoy your cool down and use this time to relax.
1:22:00 0:00:05 Breathe deeply.
1:23:00 0:00:09 Make sure to include some protein and carbohydrates in a snack or a shake shortly after this workout.
1:23:30 0:00:07 This will speed up your recovery.
1:25:00 0:00:09 Recover well and looking forward to the next workout with you!


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