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Tempo Hills | Climber's plan

Duration: 1:10:30
  • AVG: 67 %FTP
  • MIN: 45 %FTP
  • MAX: 145 %FTP
Sharing level: Public workout

Description of workout

In this workout, you will be conditioning your body to ride at a higher but sustainable intensity in your tempo zone on a climb over a moderate distance in your aerobic zone.

After a warm-up, you will do four short, sharp, high-intensity intervals followed by four sets of tempo blocks, followed by a cooldown.

Workout instructions

Time from start Show time Text
0:00:10 0:00:08 Welcome to the second workout of this plan called Tempo Hills.
0:01:00 0:00:08 Let's start this training as usual. Let's warm up!
0:02:00 0:00:10 In this workout, you will be conditioning your body to ride at a higher but sustainable intensity in your tempo zone on a climb.
0:03:00 0:00:08 The glycolytic system is one of the body's three primary energy systems.
0:03:20 0:00:09 It is particularly active during moderate to high-intensity efforts lasting from about 30 seconds to several minutes...
0:03:30 0:00:07 ...and you will activate it today!
0:05:00 0:00:08 Now focus on a structured warm-up designed to wake up your muscles.
0:07:00 0:00:08 There will be four short sprints with gradually increasing resistance.
0:09:00 0:00:08 By now your body should be ready for the sprints.
0:09:30 0:00:09 When sprinting: Increase your cadence as much as possible.
0:10:00 0:00:06 SPRINT!
0:11:00 0:00:08 You don't have much time to rest, so catch your breath quickly. Then get ready for another sprint!
0:14:00 0:00:05 GO!
0:15:30 0:00:06 You're doing great!
0:16:20 0:00:08 These sprints were the most intense part of the training session.
0:17:00 0:00:08 Now get ready for the hills to come!
0:17:20 0:00:08 You will do four short, sharp, high-intensity intervals.
0:17:40 0:00:07 Each interval lasts six minutes.
0:18:00 0:00:08 Now that the resistance is increasing, reduce your cadence to 75-85 rpm.
0:21:00 0:00:06 Halfway there!
0:23:00 0:00:07 Stay hydrated: Drink regularly!
0:24:10 0:00:06 Well done!
0:24:40 0:00:07 Increase your cadence to at least 85rpm.
0:25:00 0:00:07 Now you can rest for few minutes.
0:26:50 0:00:08 Reduce your cadence back to 75rpm as the second interval is about to starts.
0:29:00 0:00:07 You're making progress every second - keep it up!
0:31:00 0:00:07 Just hold on for the last two minutes!
0:33:10 0:00:06 Two intervals down, two more to go!
0:33:30 0:00:08 Now you have a longer rest period before the last two intervals.
0:33:40 0:00:08 Don't forget to increase your cadence between intervals!
0:37:00 0:00:08 It is extremely important to have a good body posture during these intervals.
0:37:20 0:00:08 You should be in a stable position, no rocking.
0:37:40 0:00:08 Keep a light hold on the bars and pedal in full circles.
0:43:00 0:00:08 Hope you feel strong enough to tackle another interval...
0:43:10 0:00:07 ....because it starts in a few seconds!
0:45:00 0:00:08 You've got this - believe in yourself and keep going.
0:46:30 0:00:07 Make sure to drink enough water!
0:48:00 0:00:07 Keep a steady pace!
0:49:40 0:00:06 Amazing!
0:50:30 0:00:06 Just one more interval to go.
0:52:10 0:00:07 Take a deep breath and be ready to go!
0:54:00 0:00:07 You are doing great. Keep it up!
0:56:00 0:00:08 Focus on maintaining a steady pace and breathing rhythm.
0:57:30 0:00:07 Last minute ahead!
0:59:00 0:00:07 The main intervals are over!
1:00:00 0:00:08 Now you have one last interval of four sets of tempo blocks.
1:02:00 0:00:08 From now on, the resistance will only decrease.
1:05:30 0:00:07 Congratulations! You did an excellent job.
1:06:00 0:00:08 Keep your cadence between 80-90rpm for the next twenty minutes to cool down.
1:07:00 0:00:08 The longer the cool down, the better your recovery will be.
1:08:00 0:00:08 Pedal easy at a cadence that is comfortable for you to maintain.
1:10:00 0:00:09 Hope you enjoyed today's training and looking forward to the next workout with you!


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