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Tempo Endurance | Climber's plan

Duration: 1:10:00
  • AVG: 65 %FTP
  • MIN: 45 %FTP
  • MAX: 90 %FTP
Sharing level: Public workout

Description of workout

Bring a bit of intensity into your shorter time-crunched rides to not only deliver a more significant training load necessary for better climbing but also be beneficial for time-efficient training.

Workout instructions

Time from start Show time Text
0:00:10 0:00:08 Welcome to the first workout of the week two called Tempo endurance.
0:01:00 0:00:07 Today's training will improve your climbing skills.
0:02:00 0:00:07 First, you will warm up for fifteen minutes.
0:03:00 0:00:07 There are four steps up to 78% of your FTP.
0:04:00 0:00:08 This part will help your muscles prepare for the hard part of the workout.
0:05:00 0:00:08 Once you've finished warming up, you're ready to get started.
0:07:00 0:00:08 The main part consists of two types of intervals.
0:07:30 0:00:08 The first part consists of three six-minute intervals at 90% FTP, followed by six minutes of rest.
0:13:00 0:00:08 You have already reached the highest intensity of the warm-up.
0:15:10 0:00:07 Well done! Warm-up completed!
0:18:00 0:00:07 Now full focus on the upcoming intervals!
0:20:00 0:00:08 The first interval has just started and you can feel the resistance increasing.
0:22:00 0:00:08 Pedal at a comfortable cadence and keep a steady pace!
0:25:10 0:00:07 First interval done!
0:26:00 0:00:08 Now let your legs rest a little, but be prepared for another interval to come!
0:28:00 0:00:08 At around 80% of your FTP, the body's main source of energy is fat.
0:28:30 0:00:08 This means that this workout is also a great way to burn fat.
0:30:10 0:00:07 The next interval is about to start!
0:31:10 0:00:07 You are back to 83% of your FTP.
0:34:00 0:00:08 Regular hydration is important for this type of training!
0:37:10 0:00:08 Well done! Two intervals down, one to go!
0:39:00 0:00:08 You can sweat a lot because your body is burning fat.
0:39:20 0:00:08 You lose water and minerals through sweating.
0:39:40 0:00:08 This is the reason why you need to keep yourself properly hydrated.
0:40:00 0:00:08 It is ideal to take sips every couple of minutes.
0:42:30 0:00:07 Another interval is coming!
0:44:00 0:00:07 You are doing an amazing job!
0:45:30 0:00:08 These are not high intensity intervals, but you can feel your legs burning.
0:47:00 0:00:08 Only a few minutes left before the third interval ends!
0:49:10 0:00:08 The first part of the intervals is over!
0:50:00 0:00:08 Only the second part of the intervals remains.
0:51:00 0:00:08 This part consists of four short intervals.
0:52:00 0:00:07 They last one minute at 90%.
0:54:30 0:00:06 Get ready!
0:55:00 0:00:08 Keep your cadence between 100-110rpm!
0:56:10 0:00:06 Amazing! First interval done.
0:57:00 0:00:08 You don't have much time to rest, so catch your breath and get ready for the next interval!
0:58:00 0:00:07 Remember to drink!
0:59:00 0:00:07 Ready? Let's get to work!
1:01:00 0:00:07 Cadence around 100 rpm!
1:03:00 0:00:07 You are unstoppable, keep going!
1:04:00 0:00:08 The intense part is over, only the cool down remains.
1:05:00 0:00:08 For the next five minutes, just pedal at a steady cadence around 90 rpm.
1:09:00 0:00:08 It was great to see you doing your best today!


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