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Tempo Blocks 2 | Climber's plan

Duration: 1:10:00
  • AVG: 67 %FTP
  • MIN: 45 %FTP
  • MAX: 140 %FTP
Sharing level: Friends only

Description of workout

The warm-up of 14 minutes includes a couple of sprint openers to boost the blood flow to the muscles. A 30-minute tempo block follows this, and then a cool down.

Tempo riding is the highest intensity you can sustain for a prolonged period without accumulating excessive levels of fatigue in the legs, and it is the upper limit of your aerobic system expenditure. Tempo is generally between 76–90% of your FTP (Functional Threshold Power).

Workout instructions

Time from start Show time Text
0:00:10 0:00:09 Welcome to the third workout of the second week called Tempo Blocks – Endurance Builder 2.
0:01:00 0:00:08 You have done similar training in the previous week.
0:01:30 0:00:08 So if you ride this plan regularly, you should know what to expect today.
0:02:00 0:00:07 Today's workout is divided into two parts.
0:02:30 0:00:08 The first part will be a warm-up to prepare you for the tempo block in the second part.
0:03:00 0:00:08 The warm-up of 20 minutes includes a couple of sprint openers to boost the blood flow to the muscles.
0:03:30 0:00:07 These sprints will increase in resistance with each one.
0:04:00 0:00:06 There will be four sprints in total.
0:04:30 0:00:07 Pedal at a cadence that is comfortable for you.
0:05:00 0:00:08 When the sprint interval starts, spin your legs as much as possible.
0:06:00 0:00:09 Don't hold back, give every sprint your best effort as there will be long enough rest periods afterwards.
0:06:30 0:00:07 Stay in a stable position and get ready to sprint!
0:07:00 0:00:05 GO!!!
0:07:30 0:00:07 The first sprint is over, three more to go.
0:08:00 0:00:08 Now just spin your legs easily, so you will be ready for the upcoming sprint.
0:09:00 0:00:08 The upcoming sprint is at 130% of your FTP, 5% higher than the previous sprint.
0:10:10 0:00:06 SPRINT!
0:11:00 0:00:07 These intervals are short but still physically demanding.
0:11:10 0:00:06 But you are doing a great job!
0:14:00 0:00:07 A few minutes' rest and then the final sprint is on.
0:16:10 0:00:06 Let's go for it!
0:17:00 0:00:07 Well done! All sprints completed!
0:18:00 0:00:08 Now you have a few steps with changing resistance before the tempo block.
0:18:30 0:00:08 In this part you will be resting, but on a resistance that will not allow your heart rate to drop too much.
0:23:00 0:00:08 You should maintain a steady pace throughout the tempo block.
0:23:30 0:00:08 When riding at a steady pace, it is important to maintain the correct riding position to avoid injury.
0:24:00 0:00:08 Focus on maintaining proper posture and ensure that you are sitting correctly on the bike.
0:24:30 0:00:07 Avoid gripping the handlebars too tightly.
0:25:00 0:00:10 For optimal performance, let your hands rest lightly on top of the handlebars and allow your core and body to provide stability.
0:29:00 0:00:07 The tempo block will start in a few minutes.
0:31:30 0:00:07 Are you ready? Let's get started!
0:35:00 0:00:07 Stay seated and keep a steady pace.
0:41:00 0:00:07 Tempo is a very useful zone to train in.
0:41:30 0:00:10 Tempo riding is the highest intensity you can sustain for a prolonged period of time without accumulating excessive levels of fatigue.
0:42:00 0:00:08 This is why it's ideal to include this type of training into your schedule at least once a week.
0:46:40 0:00:06 Halfway there!
0:50:00 0:00:07 Stay hydrated: Drink regularly!
0:50:10 0:00:07 An electrolyte drink with plenty of minerals is the best option.
0:54:00 0:00:07 You're making progress every second - keep it up!
0:58:00 0:00:07 Just hold on for the last few minutes!
1:01:35 0:00:05 5...4...3...2...1...
1:02:00 0:00:06 Great job!
1:03:00 0:00:08 Ride at a comfortable cadence while recovering.
1:05:00 0:00:08 The longer the cool down, the better your recovery will be.
1:07:00 0:00:08 Make sure to stretch and loosen up any tight muscles after this workout.
1:09:00 0:00:08 Hope you enjoyed today's training and see you soon!


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