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The Basics | TT's plan

Duration: 0:44:50
  • AVG: 68 %FTP
  • MIN: 49 %FTP
  • MAX: 85 %FTP
Sharing level: Public workout

Description of workout

Break out of your comfort zone and sustain a pace that pushes your performance up a notch!

Metabolic Adaptation introduces endurance training emphasising increasing metabolic adaptations in aerobic and anaerobic threshold zones. The result is an increased ability to sustain moderate intensity longer and more efficiently, contributing to the cyclist's overall performance and endurance.

TIP: If you are a Time Trialist, you can use your TT bike to allow your muscles to get used to the position on the bike.

Workout instructions

Time from start Show time Text
0:00:10 0:00:08 Welcome to the first workout of the TT specialist´s training plan.
0:01:00 0:00:09 The focus of this plan is on the development of your performance, but with the typical features of TT racing.
0:01:30 0:00:08 So if you are a TT racer, this will be a great way to improve your skills.
0:02:00 0:00:08 And even if you're not a time trialist, it's an effective way to train.
0:03:00 0:00:08 You'll start with a six minute pyramid warm-up. This will prepare you for what's to come!
0:03:30 0:00:08 The intensity will increase in six steps up to 80% and then slowly decrease back to 56%
0:05:00 0:00:06 Intensity already at 68%.
0:06:00 0:00:08 Are you ready for the next increase? Keep your cadence between 90-100rpm. Let's hit it!
0:07:00 0:00:07 From now on, the intensity will decrease slowly.
0:08:00 0:00:09 This pyramid increased your heart rate before the main part, which was a very important part of your warm-up.
0:08:30 0:00:10 What awaits you today?
0:08:40 0:00:06 Let's have a look at it!
0:09:30 0:00:08 You will ride three similar intervals.
0:10:00 0:00:09 The aim of these intervals is to increase the ability to maintain moderate intensity for longer and more efficiently.
0:10:30 0:00:08 The first interval is the shortest of them all, lasting four minutes.
0:11:30 0:00:07 Your first interval on the way!
0:13:30 0:00:07 Try to maintain a steady pace throughout the interval.
0:16:00 0:00:07 Good job! Now you have three minutes rest time.
0:17:00 0:00:12 Pedal at a 90rpm cadence. Try to maintain this cadence even while recovery breaks.
0:18:00 0:00:08 The next interval will be eight minutes at a lower intensity.
0:18:30 0:00:07 Focus on steady pedalling and get ready to go!
0:20:00 0:00:08 Get out of your comfort zone and keep up a pace that will take your performance to the next level!
0:22:00 0:00:06 Stay hydrated! Drink!
0:24:00 0:00:07 Last few minutes, keep up the pace!
0:27:00 0:00:06 Another interval down!
0:27:30 0:00:08 Now you only have the last interval left, which will be the same as the one you just finished.
0:28:00 0:00:08 Keep your body stable and engage your core muscles. This will help you when the intensity gets tougher.
0:28:30 0:00:08 You will feel the resistance getting harder yet again. Remember to stay hydrated throughout.
0:29:45 0:00:07 This will be the last time! Let's do it!
0:31:00 0:00:06 You are doing well!
0:33:00 0:00:08 Keep your breathing steady and breathe both through your nose and mouth.
0:35:50 0:00:07 You are doing great, only 2 more minutes to go!
0:38:00 0:00:08 Great job! Well done! Now you can enjoy a cooldown which is just as important as the hard sections.
0:40:00 0:00:08 Your cool down will flush out the lactic acid and improve your ability to recover.
0:42:00 0:00:08 The most important thing is how you feel, so if you're exhausted, give your body a rest day.
0:44:00 0:00:08 Looking forward to the second workout in this plan with you!


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